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Cerebellar Ataxia

Dynamic Compression

Dynamic Compression

SDO® Sensory Dynamic Orthosis, Made-to-measure and made-to-order Dynamic Lycra®

Relating News

Ataxia: An Early Warning Sign of Stroke

Article: 31st March 2023

Ataxia: An Early Warning Sign of Stroke
Medigarments at Neuro Convention 2023

Article: 22nd March 2023

Medigarments at Neuro Convention 2023
13th-19th March is Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Article: 13th March 2023

13th-19th March is Neurodiversity Celebration Week
Medigarments Ltd to Exhibit at Neuro Convention 2023

Article: 2nd February 2023

Medigarments Ltd to Exhibit at Neuro Convention 2023
Understanding Cerebellar Ataxia

Article: 28th February 2022

Understanding Cerebellar Ataxia
international- ataxia awareness

Article: 22nd September 2021

25th September is International Ataxia Awareness Day