As well as supplying an extensive selection of compression garments and accessories, Jobskin® also offer a range of specialist training courses. We currently have a few places remaining on our popular course 'Classic™ MTM Pressure Garments for Scar Management' in April and October 2022.
The Classic™ collection from Jobskin® comprises a range of made-to-measure (MTM) compression garments designed to assist with the management of burns and scars. Available in a wide variety of formats, the garments deliver constant, calculated pressure, combining a functional patient outcome with outstanding aesthetic value.
The full-day workshop is designed for clinicians working in the field of scar and burns management, helping them to extend their working knowledge of pressure therapy. All delegates will receive a comprehensive training manual along with all required paperwork and equipment to support the learning objectives. These are:
- Understanding the role of pressure therapy as a treatment modality
- How a patient should be assessed to determine whether they are a suitable candidate for pressure therapy
- Learning about the evidence and clinical reasoning that supports the use of pressure therapy
- Learning assessment, measuring and treatment skills can then be used in a clinical setting
- Gaining confidence in measuring techniques for garments from the Classic™ collection
- Customising garments to individual patient needs using available modifications
- Gaining knowledge about silicone gel options used in combination with compression garments
The course will be delivered by Debra Wright, who has been with Jobskin® for more than 16 years as our Product Manager and Therapy Specialist. Debra has worked with burns specialists all over the world and provides authoritative support and advice to clinicians working in the complex field of burn and scar management.
In addition to the training course, delegates will be invited to tour our manufacturing unit with our Sales & Marketing Manager Rammy Arafa. This will allow delegates to see the entire process of creating Classic™ pressure garments from the receipt of paperwork to the final production of the garment. Delegates will also have the opportunity to meet representatives from the customer service and design teams here at Jobskin®.
The course is offered to registered clinicians with lunch and refreshments provided. Places are available on the courses taking place on Wednesday 6th April and Wednesday 5th October 2022. You are invited to find out more information about the course and to download an application form from the Jobskin® website.