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Men's Health Week 2023

Article - Jun 2023 Mens Heath Week

Vest-&-Pants-Denim-edited It is currently Men's Health Week, an event that takes place annually during June, this year it's from the 12th to the 18th of June.

Organised by the Men's Health Forum, a charity that was specifically established to support the health of men and boys in England, Scotland and Wales, Men's Health Week exists with the twin aims of raising awareness about preventable health problems that dispro­por­ti­onately affect males and encouraging them to be more open about seeking medical help where necessary.­  The first Men's Health Week took place in 1994 in the USA and has grown to become a global event. Established as 'an opportunity to address the disparities in men’s health outcomes', the annual campaign focuses on early detection, preventative measures and promoting a proactive approach to health management. The organisers of Men's Health Week recognise the stigmas relating to issues with men's health and seek to promote more open dialogue, empowering males to make more informed decisions regarding healthcare.  There are numerous reasons why many men avoid seeking medical help, even when they recognise that they need it. Surveys have shown that a significant number of men are simply uncomfortable with admitting that they have a health issue and that this discomfort is compounded when talking to female medical professionals. There is also a tendency for some men to feel that their 'manliness' is compromised if they admit to needing medical care. 

Compression Garments for Men

Dynamic compression garments from the Sensory Dynamic Orthosis, SDO® ranges can provide exceptional therapeutic value for men with a wide range of medical conditions from Parkinson's to stroke. Pressure therapy garments from the Jobskin® Premium and Jobskin® Classic collections are especially effective in the treatment of problem scars. When it comes to scars, a significant number of men are likely to leave them untreated for the reasons outlined above. It is also relatively common for men to think that scars give them a more masculine appearance! To help men gain confidence and positivity about wearing Jobskin® Premium and Jobskin® Classic pressure therapy garments, we offer a personalisation service for these garments.  Premium Vest Long Sleeves Green Camo WebA personalised pressure therapy garment is crafted using any of a unique selection of fabrics in various colours, patterns and designs. The garment can be made to be more discreet or, at the other end of the scale, to really stand out and make a statement. Plain colour options that are popular with men include Black, Tan, Navy Blue, Denim Blue and even Raspberry while patterned designs include Footballs, Paw Prints and Blue or Green Camouflage.­ All perso­nali­sations can be supplied on request and are provided absolutely free of charge with compliments of Medigarments Ltd.  Each and every one of the compression garments we supply has been made right here in the UK, supporting British trade and creating employment opportunities. Please browse the Medigarments Ltd website to find out more about our company, our products and career opportunities with us, along with lots of other news and updates.

UK-Heart-Corsets-and-Gaiters-P125-15C-Dark-GreenPlease subscribe to our monthly newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. If you wish to speak to us, our experienced team will be happy to help so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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