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National Burn Awareness Day 2024

Article---Oct-2024-Burn-Awareness-DayEvery year, thousands of people sustain burns that are serious enough to require treatment at hospital and that result in scarring. Sadly, many of these injuries could have been prevented. National Burn Awareness Day (NBAD) takes place each October, this year it falls on Wednesday 16th October.

Premium and Classic Garments
Jobskin® Interim & Jobskin® Premium pressure garment for burns & scar management

The aim of National Burn Awareness Day is to raise awareness of the numerous causes of burn and scald injuries in the UK, to offer support to, and provide a platform for people who have been injured by burning. NBAD is organised collaboratively by the Children's Burns Trust and the British Burn Association. The charities aim to reduce the number of potential injuries occurring every year and advise of the best course of action following a burn or scald injury to minimise the scarring and long-term impact of such an injury.

Children’s Burns Trust
The Children's Burns Trust (CBT) is a national charity which provides crucial rehabilitation support for children who have sustained burns, as well as their families. The organisation carries out numerous awareness campaigns throughout the year giving advice on how burns can be prevented and treated. As noted by the CBT, 30 babies and toddlers visit A&E daily due to being scalded by hot drinks, in addition, 60% of all children attending A&E with a burn injury are due to hot drink scalds. Each October, the CBT asks people to pledge to give up coffee and tea for the month, donating the money they save to the charity.

British Burn Association
The British Burn Association (BBA) was established back in 1968 as a non profit making organisation with charitable status. While many of its members are those who are 'actively engaged in some aspect of the care of burned patients' (such as surgeons, doctors, nurses and scientists), the organisation's membership is open to anyone who is 'interested in playing an active part in attempting to reduce the incidence and noxious effect of burning injury'. 

The key message for this years NBAD is 'Hot Water Burns Like Fire' and the campaign will be paying special attention to scalding injuries caused by hot water bottles. This is due to the alarming fact that UK burns services reported a massive 40% increase in this type of burn in 2022 and 2023. As winter approaches and the temperature drops, more people will be using hot water bottles and so it is important to follow the safety tips below.

The main causes of burns and scalds

Prevention of hot drink burns is easy using these simple rules:

  • Keep hot drinks out of reach of young children – placing them at the back of the kitchen surface and never on a table cloth or cloth that hangs down so that a small child can reach and pull it down
  • Never carry a hot drink whilst carrying a baby
  • Never pass a hot drink over the heads of young children
  • Avoid drinking hot drinks around small children

Over time, rubber can deteriorate, weakening the bottle. Always check for signs of wear and tear. Replace hot water bottles after two years: check the flower symbol on the bottle to see when it was made

  • Always follow all instructions given by the manufacturer
  • Use a cover on the hot water bottle as it can burn the skin with direct contact
  • Do not use boiling water as this can damage the bottle's seams
  • Fill the bottle to two thirds capacity
  • Ensure that the stopper is tightly screwed on

Prevention of saucepan and kettle spills is easy using these simple rules:

  • It is crucial that children are not left alone around hot cooking surfaces
  • Keep children out of the kitchen when cooking or preparing food and hot drinks
  • Always use the back burners on the hob when you can and turn handles in
  • Keep kettles and their cords out of reach of little hands

Prevention of Hot water scalds in the bath or shower is easy using these simple rules:

  • Always run cold water before hot and test the temperature with the back of your hand.
  • Never leave a child alone in the bath, even for a second

Source: CBT (2024) National Burn Awareness Day 2024 Toolkit

Useful links

Effectively treating burn scars

It is clear that treating problem burn scars effectively is absolutely essential to give the patient the best chance of a full recovery. For those who have experienced burns and subsequent scarring, Medigarments Ltd offer a variety of therapeutic solutions. In addition to a superb selection of silicone gel solutions, Medigarments Ltd can also supply an extensive range of pressure therapy garments from our leading Jobskin® PremiumJobskin® Classic and Jobskin® Interim collections

UK Heart 2022 Pressure Therapy P55 6COur Jobskin® Premium and Jobskin® Classic garment ranges comprise several made-to-measure compression garments, which have been designed, developed, and manufactured right here in the UK. British designers and manufacturers are globally renowned as being among the most innovative, creative and hard-working and it is more important than ever before to encourage home-grown talent and celebrate our skills.

Each garment is made from open-weave Lycra® material, designed to deliver constant, calculated pressure while allowing the skin to breathe and stay at a cool, comfortable temperature. The garments combine excellent finishing with unmatched cost-effectiveness.

For more details about Lycra® garments from Medigarments Ltd, including our signature Jobskin® Premium and Jobskin® Classic pressure therapy garments, please browse our website or get in touch with our clinical team for further information. 

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Jobskin® Premium, Jobskin® Classic and Jobskin® Interim pressure garments by Medigarments Ltd. Jobskin® is the registered trademark of Medigarments Ltd. 

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