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SDO Garments: All Treat and No Trick!

A significant proportion of the millions of daily posts on Facebook are quickly forgotten but sometimes they can be the catalyst for a major movement. Such was the fate of a post made last year by Alicia Plumer, the mother of an autistic 21-year-old boy.

In October of 2018 Alicia wrote the following, which she posted on her Facebook page:

“Trick or Treat....the BLUE BUCKET. If you see someone who appears to be an adult dressed up to trick or treat this year carrying this blue bucket, he’s our son! His name is BJ, & he is autistic. While he has the body of a 21-year-old, he loves Halloween. Please help us keep his spirit alive & happy. So when you see the blue bucket, share a piece of candy. Spread awareness! These precious people are not ‘too big’ to trick or treat.”

Her post quickly went viral, accumulating over 12,000 likes and being shared more than 28,000 times. The blue Halloween bucket thus became a social media symbol for the autistic community and their families who are celebrating the spooky annual holiday. 

Although heartily endorsed by the social media site's users, it should be mentioned that the blue pumpkin Halloween bucket is not recognised by Autism Speaks as an official symbol of trick-or-treaters with autism. The organisation said that parents should make the fact clearer by 'considering putting a badge on their children or carrying a sign letting others know'.

Autism is a spectrum disorder: this means that each person with the condition experiences different symptoms. These in turn lead to differing strengths and weaknesses when it comes to social skills, speech and behaviour, presenting an array of challenges. There are lots of different methods of managing the behaviour of people with autism and one of these is the wearing of SDO garments, a speciality here at Jobskin.

We invite you to discover more about the benefits of SDO garments for people with autism on the Jobskin website. You can also get directly in touch with our skilled, experienced and sympathetic clinical team for advice, information and support. Happy Halloween!