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Sensory Dynamic Orthosis - SDO® Original

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SDO® Original Upper Extremity

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Dynamic Lycra® orthoses are fabric devices made from premium-quality Lycra® and manufactured to the exact measurements of the patient.

The aim of Sensory Dynamic Orthosis (SDO®) Class 1 medical devices, is to deliver continuous and consistent therapeutic pressure to improve functional ability through the application of a Lycra® orthosis. In contrast to a rigid orthosis, SDO® Original orthosis are dynamic and apply pressure and resistance, whilst allowing functional movement.

SDO® Original dynamic Lycra® orthosis provide the propensity for motor learning and neural integration by:

  • Reducing tremors and improving fine motor skills, function and coordination
  • Improving sensory and proprioceptive feedback
  • Managing abnormal tone
  • Improving postural control and proximal stability
  • Improving musculo-skeletal stability and alignment
  • Enhancing functional performance
  • Improving fluency of movement and neural integration

In most cases, this has a positive effect on pain and increases independence and may even enhance handling and transferring with improved breathing and speech.

Role of Dynamic Compression in the Management of Tone 

Clinical observations and the evidence available shows that wearing the SDO® leads to an improvement in positioning, posture and function because it provides musculoskeletal alignment, postural stability and sensory feedback. This is thought to be due to the stimulation of the somatosensory and musculoskeletal systems which give changes in tone and postural alignment. This will then lead to improved proximal stability and improved biomechanical advantage for muscle activation and enhancement of learning strategies.­ Through the use of an SDO® dynamic Lycra® orthosis, providing constant, consistent compression, stretch, support and sensory information, the patient is given the effect of therapeutic handling for the time that the orthosis is worn. 

SDO® Original, Reinforcement Panels 

The SDO® Original orthosis can be customised to meet the musculoskeletal needs of the patient by using reinforcement panels. The decision will be made by the prescribing clinician dependent on the functional outcome anticipated. There is a selection of panels that can be used in isolation or in combination with other panels to achieve the goal in postural control and body alignment.

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